Featured Russian Artist Vladimir V. Sizov
Fine art oil paintings for sale
Posted on January 6, 2014
Vladimir V. Sizov is this month's "Featured Russian Artist" at L.P. Cline Gallery. Sizov paints everyday and continues to receive awards for his work. Go to the artist bio to learn more about Sizov.
We are highlighting three studies to the famous painting "Troubled Nights" centered on the Red Cross and their work in Russia during WW11. The nurse in one of the studies is actually Sizov's wife who sat for this painting exhaustingly from a farm house given to Sizov by his Uncle. Much effort went into cleaning the house since the cattle around had been living there and openings were cut out in each end to let in light. This place was chosen for the space it provided.
These studies depict the story of how the Red Cross workers would carry the wounded soldiers to a stop on the train tracks where they were picked up when the train came through to carry them on for medical care. The finished painting, "Troubled Nights" (1972) was his diploma piece for graduation from the Kiev Government Art Institute, This painting is now in Germany. We feel honored to have these wonderful pieces to offer you, our customers.
View these and other paintings by Vladmir V. Sizov
We have been researching the role of the Red Cross in WW11 and have found many interesting stories. Most of the stories tell of uniting families displaced during the war. For a truly amazing story, please visit the BBC's great website and read WW2 People's War.
When thinking about Vladimir Sizov, the man as well as the artist, I thought of this exerpt from "The Art Spirit" by Robert Henri:
"The best art the world has ever had is but the impress left by men who have thought less of making great art than of living full and completely with all their faculties in the enjoyment of full play. From these the result is inevitable."
A nicer man you will never meet. What an honor to meet with these wonderfully gifted men and women who have made our lives so rich with their lifework.
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