Palekh Lacquer Boxes
The painting of Palekh Lacquer Boxes began in 1923 in the village of Palekh, in the district of Ivanovo Oblast. The technology of developing a finished painting or box was taken from the lacquer masters of handicraft of Fedoskino. The Palekh miniatures were reminiscent of characters of real life and works, fairy tales, and songs. Painted with bright colors and underlayment of gold and silver distinguished these artists, representing many of the iconic styles of earlier paintings.
Our journey took us to the village of PALEKH, which is probably the most recognizable name in Russian Lacquer Boxes. The village of Palekh specialized in icon-painting for centuries until the 1917 Russian revolution.
The beautiful fine lines of gold leaf that are applied are polished to a glow by a wolf's tooth. The mystery and soul of the Russian people are portrayed in the story-telling images of the PALEKH Boxes. We are equally proud to be able to offer these wonderful pieces of art, again, personally selected and AFFORDABLE prices due to our DIRECT IMPORTING to you at our Gallery now.
We have available a large selection of Palekh miniature boxes as well as special commissions. Each Box comes with a certificate of authenticity. Please inquire at L.P. Cline Gallery.
Also see our Fedoskino Lacquer Boxes.

Accordian Player
Black lacquer exterior, red interior
Artist: Belova
Size: 2.5" Round
Palekh seal on bottom of box

Black Lacquer Box, Red Lacquer Interior
Date: 2010
Artist Signature in Cyrillic: Tatyanna Yereomina
Size: 5.75" x 5.75"

"For Water"
Black lacquer, red lacquer interior. # 156K Detached lid
Artist: Kamardina
Date: 2000
Size: Round, 4" diameter x 1.25"
Signature in cyrillic
Palekh seal on bottom of box

"Silver Hoof"
Black lacquer with red lacquer interior. Hinged lid.
Date: 2000 # 146K
Artist: Marsov
Size: Irregular, 5" x 4" x 1.25"
Palekh seal on bottom of box

"Going For Water"
Green Lacquer, red lacquer interior. Footed casket, # 143K Hinged lid
Artist: Makarova
Date: 1993
Size: 4,3/8" x 2" x 2"
Signature in cyrillic on lid
Palekh seal on bottom of box

Tsar Saltan
Black lacquer exterior, red interior
Artist: E. Smirmova
Size: 5" x 5" x 2"
Signature in cyrillic lower right corner
Palekh seal on bottom of box

Black lacquer exterior, red interior
Artist: A. Smirnov
Size: 7" x 4.25" x 2.25"
Signature in cyrillic lower right
Palekh seal on bottom of box

Take Us For A Ride, Petrusha
Black lacquer exterior, red interior
Artist: Shiryaeva
Size: 4.5" x 3.25" x 1,1/8" irregular shape
Palekh seal on bottom of box

Snegurochka, Snow Girl
Black lacquer exterior, red interior
Artist: Marova
Size: 6.5" x 4.25" x 1.5" Irregular shape
Palekh seal on bottom of box

Black lacquer exterior, red interior
Artist: Kamardina
Size: 5,1/8" x 4.25" x 1.1/8" Oval shape
Palekh seal on bottom of box

Black lacquer exterior, red interior
Artist: M. Sedova
Size: 6,1/8" x 3.5" x 2"
Signature in cyrillic lower right corner
Palekh seal on bottom of box

Black lacquer exterior, red interior
Artist: Larina
Size: 2.25" x 2.75" x 1"
Palekh seal on bottom of box