L.P. Cline Gallery Spotlight
"The Yellow Van" by M. Dianne Cline, 160 pages, Black & White and Color Plates
Москва в Воронеж
(Moscow to Voronezh)
. . . Looking out the window, I could see the snow falling heavily against the side of the train before hitting the ground. It was midnight, and all I could hear were the brakes shrieking to a stop and the clanging back-and-forth motion as the train started up again. After hours of the same sound and motion, I felt I was in a trance. The tranquil effect of watching snow softly falling helped me to forget about the physical hunger I was feeling.
A startling sound came across the speakers: “Lipetsk (mud town) Следующая остановка” (next stop).
Leaving the train in hopes of finding something to eat, I walked behind the others with mud over my shoes onto a plank that took me into a room with a small light bulb hanging on a long cord from the ceiling. I looked around, not knowing what to do. Then I saw a crowd standing around a counter. The lady handing out the small cone-shaped containers was very much in charge, hurrying everyone along. I took my place in the mix and was handed one of the containers.
Surprise! I could tell immediately that it was potatoes. It was warm, and as one of our group commented, very tasty.
No time to finish eating. No time to capture the moment of those unfamiliar, intriguing surroundings, that I was sure had a story I would love to hear and tell. The speakers came back on, and everyone hurried toward the door. I took my potatoes and a small cup of steaming hot tea, made my way back onto the plank and through the mud, being extra careful not to drop anything, found my seat, and breathed a sigh of relief while the steam from the hot tea warmed my face and hands.
The clanging back-and-forth motion started again. I sat back and returned to watching the snow, which had gotten so heavy it had made a complete blanket across the window.
In the silence, I could hear myself saying: "The HUNT continues . . ."
Available through the L.P. Cline Gallery
Price: 31.00 plus TN sales tax
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Fun read! The author is clearly intrigued by the hunt and clearly passionate about the Russian Artist and the art they create! She brings the art to life by introducing us to the artist and gives us glimpses into her quest to bring this wonderful art to the world! This book gives those who have had their own hunt the thrill all over again, and provides inspiration for those who have yet to venture out! Let's hope this author decides to share more insights in her delightfully transparent way in another book very soon!
DS. Honolulu, Hawaii
Also see:
- The Art of Framing by L. P. Cline
- One of our trips to Russia
- New York: 29–31 January, Los Angeles: 4–5 February 2018
- Exhibition, February 2, 2018 thru March 3, 2018. Opening reception Feb. 3, 2PM to 6PM.
- Art of the Soviet Union, Sotheby's London Auction 28 NOVEMBER 2017
- "Snow Cages"
- "The Prodigal"
- https://www.facebook.com/ahpracticum/photos/a.1689
- https://www.facebook.com/ahpracticum/photos/a.1689
- "Morning"
- "Peasant"
- Faces Of A Nation, The Rise And Fall Of The Soviet Union, 1917 - 1991
- Artist, Nina Sergeeva
- Artist: Nina Sergeeva
- "Winter's Arrival
- Victor I. Zhilin
- Tatyana K. Kovrigina
- The Pushkin Museum
- "A Secret"
- "The Cathedral of Annunciation" Voronezh, Russia
- Evgeniy Ilyin's "The Gypsy"
- The Collective Farm Era
- "Ivan A. Bunin Leaving the Motherland"
- "Shrovetide"
- "The Yellow Van" by M. Dianne Cline, 160 pages, Black & White and Color Plates
- Victor Gromyko
- "The Blue Rose" Art in Russia
- "On Their Way To The Front" November 7, 1941