Victor Minkin
Victor Minkin was born July 9, 1947 in Malinovka, a village in the Mozharsky district, Ryazan. In 1961-1966 he studied at the Ryazan Art College. In 1967-1973 Victor Minkin studied at the Institute of Graphic Art, Sculpture and Architecture, named after Repin. In 1978 he became a member of the Artists Association on the USSR.
In 1993 Victor Minkin had a personal exhibition at the Ryazan Art Museum and at the Tula Art Museum. In 1994 Victor Minkin received the title of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. !995 he was part of the exhibition of the competitors for the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Moscow, GTG. Participation in regional, all-Russia and all-Union exhibitions. 1996- Personal exhibitions at the Art Academy of Russia, Moscow and in Kolomna, Moscow region. 1997- rewarded with a Silver medal of the Art Academy of Russia. Personal exhibition at the Ryazan Art Museum. Victor Minkin's works are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, The State Reserve Museum of Sergei Esenin, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Ryazan History and Architecture Reserve Museum, Ryazan Art Museum, Tula Art Museum, Artistic fund of the Russian Federation.
Victor Minkin continues to paint from his studio in Ryazan.
Date: 1998
Size: 15" x 10"
Oil on Card
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