Boris Andreevich Goncharov
Boris A. Goncharov was born in 1921, in the village of Rossosch, located in the southern part of Voronezh. Boris A. Goncharov studied Russian Impressionism painting at the Art College in Saratov until 1948.. He began exhibiting with the Voronezh Artist's Union when he became a member in 1950.
Boris A. Goncharov was the younger brother of Grigori A. Goncharov, a well known and respected artist in the Voronezh Region until his death in September 2001.
Both brothers were considered Socialist Realists, Boris A. Goncharov exhibited a softer style that let his own feelings show through rather than simply portraying the Soviet ideal of glory to the worker. He gave us a view of individuals rather than an ideal. Boris was a masterful manipulator of light and color.
Boris A. Goncharov was killed tragically in a swimming accident in 1959, cutting short a career and life of tremendous insight and creativity.
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